Long Lasting, Environmentally Safe Dust Control 20 Litre By suppressing dust, you are significantly reducing the incidence of rattles. Not only would it help the health of the foals and consequently their growth/development it would also reduce the very high cost of...

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Long Lasting, Environmentally Safe Dust Control 20 Litre


By suppressing dust, you are significantly reducing the incidence of rattles. Not only would it help the health of the foals and consequently their growth/development it would also reduce the very high cost of treatment. This is not only the cost of the drugs, but also about the cost of stabling, staff, time, air con boxes etc plus the detrimental effects the current treatment has on the foal.


EQUICLEAR™ is an environmentally safe dust suppressant that eliminates the need to water, does not dry out and is ideal for day yards and high traffic areas. Clear and odourless EQUICLEAR is highly refined, and proven to be non-toxic to humans, animals, marine life and plants. EQUICLEAR comes ready to use (no water or mixing required). Perfect for applications on dusty areas, such as day yards, sand rolls, arenas, unpaved roads, gravel parking lots.


EQUICLEAR - How it Works

Most dust suppression treatments just coat the dust particles. EQUICLEAR works differently. EQUICLEAR soaks into the individual soil/dust particles making them too heavy to move thus eliminating dust. It does not form a crust and never evaporates thereby being unaffected by traffic. Because it never evaporates it lasts a very long time, often 9-12 months or more of dust control with one application. Plus, when it’s time to re-apply it is done at a much lower rate insuring cost effective long lasting dust control.



EQUICLEAR is easy to apply, simply spray onto soil, the application rate depends upon the soil type, but a suggested starting point is 1 Litre per square meter.

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